Introduction - Welcome to the TerraBook
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Since the inception of Digital Matter Theory (DMT), our team has been closely monitoring developments within the space. The emergence of projects such as Natcats, Chaos, and Nattributes has highlighted the transformative potential of DMTs as the basis of Ordinal projects.
Background: Digital Matter Theory (DMT) explores the potential to create 'digital substances' by analyzing inherent patterns within blockchain data. This framework suggests that data is not just an abstract entity but a rich source that, when properly harnessed, can give rise to new forms of digital materiality.
We observed current trends converging on the use of Bitcoin block data solely as a means to generate art. While this is innovative, we believed that more could be accomplished. We did not want our collectors to merely see the block data represented in the art; we aimed to create worlds that would not only embody this data but also reward our holders. These worlds and rewards would arise directly from the very block data being inscribed.
Thus, TerraBits came into existence.